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contoh kalimat buka mulut

"buka mulut" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • If he talks, then it's all over for you!
    Kalau dia buka mulut, kau akan habis!
  • If she did they may be watching for you.
    Jika dia buka mulut, Maka kau diawasi.
  • The only thing that made him open up
    Satu - satunya hal yang membuatnya buka mulut
  • If I don't get it soon I'm talking!
    Jika aku tidak mendapatkannya segera aku akan buka mulut!
  • I guess that's what I get for opening my mouth.
    Kurasa itu yang kudapat karena buka mulut.
  • I'd be surprised if he opens up to you.
    Kurasa dia tak mau buka mulut.
  • Well, we can't have Scott here running his mouth.
    Well, kita tidak mungkin membiarkan Scott buka mulut.
  • We need to take first crack at the suspect.
    Well, pertama kami harus membuat tersangka buka mulut.
  • Relax, it's not like he's gonna say anything about you.
    Tenang, Dia takkan takkan buka mulut tentangmu.
  • How dare you open your foul mouth to me, Negress.
    Beraninya kau buka mulut hinamu padaku, Negress.
  • One last thing, you say anything you're dead.
    Satu lagi, kau buka mulut kau mati.
  • At least, not anymore. Not since... Then.
    Setelah kejadian itu dia tidak pernah buka mulut.
  • You sneeze, we all catch a cold.
    Kau buka mulut, kita semua akan dapat akibatnya.
  • Nobody--nobody is going to give up Darhk.
    Tak ada yang mau buka mulut soal Darhk.
  • You'll be all right once you talk.
    Jika kau buka mulut, semuanya akan baik-baik saja.
  • Even if you're captured, never disclose this.
    Jika sampai tertangkap sekalipun harus mati tidak boleh buka mulut.
  • Those scumbags wont open their mouth till the end.
    Kampret-kampret itu sampai akhir tidak bersedia buka mulut.
  • I was just wondering about what he wouldn't say.
    Aku hanya penasaran kenapa ia tak mau buka mulut.
  • He's killed to keep his mouth shut
    Pelakunya ingin agar dia tidak buka mulut
  • He also knows you picked up two prisoners who talked.
    Dia juga tahu tawanan yang akhirnya buka mulut.
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